Garlic Scape Pesto |
Warning: For garlic lovers only...all others beware the deliciousness!!!
It's garlic scape season again!!!!!! Run, don't walk, to your nearest farmer's market and pick up some of these green beauties while you can, because their season is very short, too short, only 2 - 3 weeks in duration short. I get a bit freakishly excited when I see garlic scapes at the market. For example, my friend texted me that she picked up some garlic scapes and my reaction was 'Jealous!' I've been known to buy armloads at at time, then go back for another bunch, then talk about it to whoever will listen.
Garlic Scapes ! |
Garlic scapes are one of the best kept secrets in the world of produce, and I'm here to out them. The garlic scape is the long, bright green, usually curly stem that grows out of the garlic at the plant's maturity. The closest thing that they resemble visually is a green onion, but they are hard to the touch unlike the soft green onion, with the stiffness of the stem of a daisy. Their season is very short, from late June to early July (where I live anyway), and they can typically only be found at your local farmer's market. Garlic scapes range in price from $1 to $2.50 a bunch - cheap, cheap, cheap - so get out there and support your local farmers. They taste is exactly like garlic to me, which since I'm like very into garlic, works for me.