Friday night was intense. Saturday I had a major bacon hangover. Sunday I ate more bacon.
- Bacon-infused vodka Caesars with bacon stir sticks and all of the other necessary Caesar accoutrement
- Bacon and caramelized onion dip with veggies and tortilla chips
- Spinach salad with bacon
- Boursin and bacon stuffed chicken wrapped in prosciutto
- Bacon hasselback potatoes
- Brussels sprouts with bacon, garlic, and shallots
- Gluten-free bacon brownies topped with chocolate sauce, walnuts, and vanilla ice cream.
- not pictured here because by this point it was wayyyy too late to care about taking pictures. You can actually see the deterioration of the pictures as the night goes on in the series above.
This time around it was my turn to host, so I brought the salad, chicken, potatoes, and brussels sprouts to the table (literally!). The spinach salad is a recipe from the Best of Bridge cookbooks that my mom has been making for years, and has become my favourite spinach salad of all time. Hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms, bacon (obvi), green onions, spinach, and garlicky dressing...mmmm. The chicken and brussels sprouts recipes came from some mad Googling skills (don't want to brag, but), and the potatoes were from my new Food Network Magazine. In just these four items, I used three whole packages of bacon. I would definitely make all four of these things again...maybe not all in the same night though.
A few words about bacon for your (ok it's totally for my own) enjoyment:
Bacon. Salty swine.
I want to eat you today.
In my mouth. Yum Yum.
Holy crap, a haiku!
The chicken was super good. Just imagine a half pack of Boursin stuffed into chicken with bacon and wrapped with prosciutto, and that's the chicken. Enough said really! Side note: there is nothing wrong with Boursin. Also, when did brussels sprouts get cool? I'm really glad they did, because I am loving them all gussied up as a side dish lately. The one that I made for bacon night was sauteed with garlic and shallots. The potatoes were good too...they also taught me a lesson to read a recipe through before making it because it was a tad bit of a surprise when I saw that they had to cook for two whole hours. Oops.
The bacon-infused vodka was pretty darn cool. It was my friend Ashley's contribution, and she made it by frying up two pounds of cut-up bacon, putting the cooked bacon along with all of its grease into a pitcher with the vodka, freezing it to get the fat and bacon bits to rise before scooping that grossness out, and then straining it until she was left with a light brown bacony (new word) vodka. We had no problem polishing off an entire 26 oz. bottle in our Caesars within about 30 minutes...very tasty!!
The dip was awesome too, and was brought by my friends Lauren and Tyler. I've requested the recipe so that I can post it on here and make it some time. Definite keeper.
We finished off with bacon brownies made by my friend Erin, and bless her heart because they were gluten-free! Salty-sweet is one of my favourite combos (as was evidenced by me finishing an entire 1 pound bag of cheese/caramel mix popcorn in just two days last week), so these brownies totally spoke to me. They had a lot to say, so I finished off the entire tray (while also finishing off a bottle of wine).
A fun night was had by all. We think so anyways. As the wine flowed, and the game of Cards Against Humanity (if you don't know, look it up...best party game for horrible people ever!) turned into a game of 'every other round is a shooter of tequila round' Cards Against Humanity, things got a little fuzzy. I blame the bacon vodka. So, when I said that I had a bacon hangover, I actually meant it.
I've never posted more than one recipe at a time before, so here is how it will work. Um. I'm just going to link to them below:
Click here for Boursin and Bacon Stuffed Chicken Wrapped in Prosciutto
Click here for Bacon Hasselback Potatoes
Click here for Spinach Salad with Bacon
Click here for Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Garlic, and Shallots
The Hubby's Review: Oh, man!!!
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