Something you should know about me is that I have an unhealthy obsession with cookbooks. I love them. I want more of them. I need them. I'm a cookbook hoarder.
Ask The Hubby, there probably isn't any night of the week that while we are sitting watching TV I am not flipping through the tattered, stained pages of any given cookbook. If you and I are talking on the phone, and I end the sentence with the word potato instead of whatever you were expecting, you know what I was really doing while we were chatting. I usually even have a cookbook on the passenger seat of my car so that I can sneak a peek at a red light on my long drive home from work. And what makes it worse is the suffocating feeling that even if I cooked one new thing every day for the rest of my life, I would never ever be able to make all of the recipes that are out there in all of the cookbooks! It's bad. I'm an addict.
So, imagine how excited I was on Christmas Eve when I got to open my stocking from my mother-in-law (yes, I am 30 years old and still get a stocking from both my mom and my mom-in-law, and I LOVE it!), and inside was a brand new copy of Jamie Oliver's Meals in Minutes! So many new recipes and pretty pictures and yummy things!!! Pure bliss!
So, I decided to finally put the Meals In Minutes concept to a test this past Friday. A whole delicious meal in just a few minutes?! Um, yes please. With my new cookbook on the car seat beside me, I decided during my commute home from work that Crispy Chicken with Green Curry Sauce was going to be the object of my affection that day.
Off to the grocery store I went. The recipe called for some ingredients that I have never cooked with before, namely lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves. The lemongrass part wasn't hard to find, but after going to two grocery stores and having a few awkward conversations with the 17-year old produce department employees about what I was trying to buy ("Lime
leaves?"), I opted out of the optional lime leaves.
Then I had a stroke of genius! Since it was only 6pm on a Friday night, and since this meal was literally only going to take me a few minutes to construct, maybe The Hubby and I should invite some friends over for dinner and cards! The Hubby's brother and his fiance were totally in. Sweet...last minute dinner plans!